Henry Ford built his early automobiles using scientific management techniques. Every production step was optimized for return on investment. Cars were shipped directly from the factory to the dealer without testing them. The focus was on efficient, not quality production. As the auto industry grew factories added testing and repair stations at the end of the line to catch defects before the customers did. It was a helpful innovation. Quality assurance became focused on that final phase. When defects were found components were disassembled and fixed. The cost of this re-work was high.
Parallels can be found in how most of the software industry builds software today. Programs are either released to the customer for testing, or they are tested as the last step before release to the customer. And much of the current focus of quality assurance is on finding defects at the end. Is it reassuring that we are following the same path as the automotive industry before 1970?
Certainly if we do a good job of testing at the end, many of the defects will be caught.
Testing cars at the end does find the defects. But since a mass-production factory produces in large batches, many cars are built with the same defect before the defect is detected at the end. Consequently many cars often need to be re-worked because of the same defect. When cycle time between error, detection, & correction is long it causes repeated errors to occur before correction. Now that is expensive!
Could this be why 80% of software development costs are spent on defect removal? If we wait until the end of a month-long cycle to test, programmers will introduce similar kinds of defects across the system. Repeated defects in software occur when communication with the customer breaks down causing multiple wrong features to be built; when wrong assumptions are propagated; or when programmers don't share information among themselves and multiple programmers make the same mistake. These defects show the limitations of long cycle times.
That is the approach of Scientific Project Management.
I'll talk about how Lean Manufacturing does it in the next post ...